
Monday 21 October 2013


As humans we have suffered one heartbreak or the other, the healing process is usually slow and painful
for some while for others it is a walk in the park. I do agree that the trip to self happiness is not an easy
one; you must make an effort, a real conscious effort to be happy.

There are days that you want to lie down in bed and drown yourself with comfort food, not caring about
how you look or if you are about to get ran over by a truck (like me), you must however remember at
this junction that there is nothing better than the feeling you get when you know your hearts been
broken and its finally healing up.

Like one of my favorite books says ‘He is gone, you are back. This
could be a ‘she’ too, so if you are a male reader, feel free to substitute. Having had some experience on
heartbreak, I finally learnt the golden rules of dealing with heartbreak and coming out of it successfully.

Truth is there is no hard and fast rule to healing and moving on, the journey to happiness may be long a
and hard, but you will get there eventually

Having seen my friends (myself included) back to health from a broken heart more times than I care to
remember, I have compiled twelve (12) list golden remedy for a broken heart.

1. FRIENDS MATTER: Surround yourself with lots and lots of great, supportive and optimistic
friends that are ready to support you, be there for you. At this point you cannot afford to be
bored and lonely. The silence and void you may experience after he is gone has to be filled
quickly .If not you may soon forget all about the things that made you leave and go back, it will
be ‘I will rather manage him than go back to my empty apartment’

2. LOVE SONGS ARE A NO NO : Try not to listen to love song at least in the first one month.

3. HIT THE DELETE BUTTON: Till you fully get over him and are on your way to recovery, you
need to as much as possible eliminate anything that reminds you of him, which could probably
include the phone number, the texts and the cards that he sent you, however, please feel free
to exclude valuable items he gave to you, why should your gorgeous item suffer for his mistake,

4. LETS BE FRIENDS? NO, THANKS: Do not try to be ‘friends’ just yet, your healing will depend
greatly on the nature of your relationship. If you were in a deep committed relationship, it is
advisable not to be his friend at least in the first two months. You will get there but you are not
there yet, talking to him under the guise of friendship will only remind you of what you use to
do together. You don’t want to get sucked into that again, you know how the doctor will always
tell you not to expose an open wound to water until it heals. It’s just like that for a broken
relationship. Heal up or at least be on your way to healing before trying to be friends.

5. IT IS PERFECTLY OKAY TO BE SELFISH: This is very important especially if you were together
for a while and you came to really care about him a lot. Don’t be worrying yourself if he is
feeding well or asking yourself if he is happy…forget it!!!At this stage you are allowed to
be selfish, care about yourself A LOT and not him. He had his chance and he blew it. HE IS

6. NEVER GET A REBOUND : You need time to breath and not punish someone else for your
ex mistake, also chances are, two months down the line, your rebound will most likely be over
(cause it was a rebound) and you will be back at heartbreak Avenue.

7. LET OUT THE EMOTIONS: You need to express what you are feeling, do not bottle everything
up inside, be it talking about it, shouting on your pillow or whatever works for you.

8. GO OUT: Do the things you were not able to do when you were together, it could be visiting
old friends, taking up a new hobby, spending more time with your family or even meeting new

9. IT’S OKAY TO DREAM: Fantasize about the man that God is truly preparing for you, contrary
to what your heart may be saying, you will not die alone, you will meet him at Gods appointed
time. It didn’t work out with your ex for a reason

10. NOT GUILTY : Let go of the guilt you are feeling, guilt of being with him so long cause you were
afraid of being alone, guilt of staying in the relationship when your spirit clearly borne witness
that he wasn’t good for you. Whatever guilt it may be, let it go.

11. FORGIVE: It’s easy to resent him so much for all your pain and begin to hate him. This cannot
happen as he will always have a hold over you if you hate him (plus you will go hell), you need to
forgive him and forgive yourself as well.

12. PRAY,PRAY AND PRAY SOME MORE : This is extremely imperative and definitely the most
important and that is why I have saved it for the last, you need to talk to that man that love you
more than your earthly father to heal you, heal your broken heart. On those cold night after my
friends had all gone home and I wanted to pick the phone and call him back, I found out that
talking to God about how I felt, how my heart was arching, and the anger I was feeling was really
the remedy I needed. Pray to God that despite wasting your time with ‘Mr. Wrong’ or ‘Miss
Wrong, He should still have mercy upon you and give you the bone of your bone and the flesh of
your flesh. It is a matter of time, the right person will come.



  1. Perfect right up, a rebound isn't necessary ladies

  2. love love love it
