
Wednesday 9 October 2013

Zimbabwean Prime Minister Tsvangirai Delivered at TB Joshua Service (Video)

First it was the deliverance of popular Nollywood Actor, Jim Iyke. Last Sunday was the turn of Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai  and this is how  News Zimbabwe reported it

"A DAZED-looking Morgan Tsvangirai flopped into a chair after famed Nigerian prophet TB Joshua laid a hand on his shoulder during a prayer session at the weekend.

The opposition MDC-T leader flew to Nigeria to attend a service at the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (Scoan) where TB Joshua delivered a sermon entitled “Approaching God In Humility”.

In an amateur video widely circulated in social media, the MDC-T leader is seen standing in a prayer line and flopping helplessly into a chair as the “prophet” places his hand on his shoulder.

MDC-T organising secretary, Nelson Chamisa said he was not in a position to comment on the trip telling the Herald: “I am not the best to comment on that issue. I am in Masvingo at the moment. Ask his spokesperson (Luke) Tamborinyoka.”

Tsvangirai has previously attended services at the Synagogue Church Of All Nations and was reportedly told he would never be president of Zimbabwe by the Nigerian televangelist and faith healer in 2010.

The MDC-T leader is struggling to keep his party together amid internal reservations over his leadership after he suffered a crushing defeat to President Robert Mugabe in the July 31 elections.

Several senior officials have publicly suggested he should step down but the former prime minister insists he will see out his current term as party leader adding those keen to challenge him can do so at the MDC-T’s elective congress in 2006"

Who knows who it will be his or her turn next time?

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