
Sunday, 6 October 2013

Jada Pinkett-Smith’s Open Letter to a Friend Going Through Divorce -

Jada Pinkett-Smith jotted down an open letter  mean for a friend who is the process of getting a  divorce.  In her letter, which can be seen on her facebook page, Jada wrote that  couples who hope to grow old together must give each other space and time apart to miss each other.

Jada, who admits to having an open marriage with husband Will Smith, wrote that marriages “inevitably” experience “difficult moments” that call for a break. Jada said she spent time speaking to elders who have been married for 25+ years to get a perspective on what Love is. She said one of  the couples spent several years apart before they realized their Love for one another.
But is the key to marital success really as easy as giving each other “breaks”?  Could it all be fixed by partners moving away for a period of time and sowing more wild oats while they figure out if they really want to be together? What if  they eventually find someone else during this “break”,  and then decide not to come back to the marriage? Would that ultimately mean that they weren’t meant to be together in the first place? 

Please read Jada’s  letter below and lets hear your thoughts on the matter….

A letter to a dear friend by Jade Pinkett -Smith:

You came to see me last night to tell me that you have decided to get a divorce. Last night I only listened, but this morning I woke up with a hope for you. For the past five years, I have been meeting with elders who have been married for 25+ years to get understanding from many perspectives as to what marriage and love is all about. Almost all the couples have said that at some point in their marriage they have stumbled upon inevitably difficult moments that called for a break. I spoke to one couple who had a few years apart only to re-discover their desire to grow old together and to do what was necessary to continue to deepen their love for one another. My hope for you is this, that you consider taking the route that some of our elders have taken in giving your marriage some space and time before the drastic decision of divorce. Answers to big questions need time to find lasting truth vs the truth of the moment. After this process the answer may be the same, but at least you will have the clarity to go about it all with certainty and integrity, but you may also find that spark that could save and rekindle your marriage.
My humble thoughts.

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