
Sunday, 6 October 2013

Why I Don’t Wear Suits –Stephen Keshi

As far as style is concerned, Keshi says he is a stickler for sportswear, especially track suits. Indeed, it is very rare to find the national coach in any other attire! His reason is quite interesting:
“I have had people who have approached me several times, offering to style me in either suits or other attire. But Africa is very hot and I cannot be wearing suits around the place! Secondly, my job makes me sweat at all hours. I am always on my feet, screaming, yelling and jumping about. You should not expect me to put a tie around my neck and remain uncomfortable throughout the day.
“Again, I want to be in the same attire as the footballers. There is nothing wrong with me wearing a green/white tracksuit; it is the colour of the Nigerian flag, the colour of the team and I am proud to wear that instead of suits. I don’t even like suits! I used to wear suit when I was playing in Europe, now I am tired of wearing them. Though I may come back to them later, I am not wearing anything other than African attire.” So, what will he not be caught dead in? He promptly replies: “White trousers, I don’t fancy them at all.”

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