
Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Why Men Will CHEAT! By Ifunanya Mokwuah

Why men will CHEAT! by Ifunanya Mokwuah

Have I gotten your attention? Good! Hi guys, how are you all doing today? (Okay enough small talk…) for quite some time I have been living in a fairy tale. I, Princess Ifunanya  am distressed, soon my Prince Charming will come to my rescue, we shall fall madly in love, he DOESN’T CHEAT,  we get married, he DOESN’T CHEAT and we would live happily ever after. The End.  (I wish) Relationship are NOTHING like the stories we read as kids, relationships now are a combination of loving someone so deeply and yet that same person annoying and frustrating you.
In my fairyland, my Prince Charming would love, adore me, and never CHEAT, but men cheat. You didn’t know? Ahhh Pele (Women cheat too but that’s another article..)

Men are predatory beings. They see something they like, and they go after it. Cheating for them is in two forms:  Personal Challengeego-issue seeing while in a relationship could they still get babes (Do I still have it going on? ) or to satisfy that natural urge. “KONJI na bastard!!” When that konji (horniness) strikes, it’s hard for a man to not want to satisfy those feelings. A guy that is horny is at his most vulnerable state to satisfy that urge. It’s not you, it’s them.
“We can’t help it, it’s in our DNA!” – Anonymous male friend

How can a man cheat on you and say he loves you? It’s much easier for a man to remove love from sex and flirting, They are just performing the act, it most likely meant nothing to them because you have their love. (Can a man sleep around and be truly in love with his partner?)  For some men, you having their hearts is what’s most important than having their body. (Some might say “that’s rubbish”)  But for some men they really see it that way.

No matter how good of a girlfriend/wife you might be, there’s a chance your man is going to cheat on you with his eyes, mind, mouth, his hands, or hiscough. You know what.. It’s up to you as a woman to figure out what you can and can’t take in the relationship.

Even though I believe a man will cheat, I’m not saying to accuse your man every time he comes into the house, I don’t and will never understand men but I honestly believe the reasons why men cheat is not to necessarily hurt their women (at least for some) too them it’s nothing personal, for them it’s just natural.(Men things) and it’s because of that, that’s why I believe men will cheat in their life..

I know some people reading will say it’s not true but I know in writing this article you can find some truth to it. If you have any questions or comments, I would like to hear them.  Find me on Twitter @missalldaabove or Instagram @sixfootamazon

Culled From 360 Nobs Site


  1. I dnt fink my man cn cheat on me. So what u ar sayn is nt true

  2. My dear its tru oooo.I beliv tins dat is wat dey will alwys say.
