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Sunday 10 August 2014

Photos: Lady Whom Nigerian Newspaper Mocked For Being Fat, Tells Her Weight Loss Story

 A 25-Year Old lady after being mocked by a Nigerian Newspaper for being fat, said it triggered her, and made her make up her mind to lose the weight. According to her, she went to a function with her mom, and the next day she was already in the newspaper where they called her FAT. She cried, wailed and yelled and said she was going to sue, but later gave up when her lawyer friends said, this is Nigeria, it might not work.

Then she started the weight loss, stopped in between, continued and it was on and off for a while, before she finally made it, and says a size 10 will be her final bus stop. Her story is just like that of most Nigerian ladies who would go on diet, gym and all sort, but stop in between and then continue, and then finally give up, lol. 

But in her own case the third step was erased, she NEVER gave up. Her story and more pictures below.

My name is Ugonnaya Okpara & this is my story…

In 2012 I went for an occasion with my parents in Lagos. The next day, SUN Newspaper (29/01/2012) had a photo of me in my mono strap dress. Oh! The mean & harsh words they used to describe me. What did they not write about me?

They called my arms and legs yams. They called me a bag of rice,I cried the whole day and I am still crying as I write and remember how far I have come from that day. I called all my lawyer friends and cousins to see if I could sue. Story! Where do you want to start suing from in Nigeria?

I started going to the gym immediately but I lasted for only 11 days…I hated it so much. They were 11 long, hard, intolerable days for me. 2012 went by with me just relaxing, taking Green W pills & eating my youth away…Sigh! Mind you, the Green World pills NEVER worked.

On this journey, I did not try any product, Chinese tea or any sort of slimming pill. I workout and go hard and I eat right!


I tried it all. From Maple Syrup diet to Atkins diet to Dukan diet, Water therapy…I did them all and yes! they all worked…but I still ate. During these diets, I’ll still hide to eat ice cream. I remember how I used to get so upset & defensive when you talk to me about my portions or anything anti food…it was always a quarrel. 2013 was productive because I could see changes. I had lost 20kg on my own but I wanted more!

I moved to Abuja for my National Service in November 2013. February 10th 2014 is a memorable day for me. This lady in my PPA saw me and said, “Ah! Corper! It’s like you are adding everyday”. She called me fat with a smile on her face. So casual Mary.

The next day, February 11th I went to a wellness center in Abuja for checkup and to start cardio with a team there. I filled all the forms, did my height and weight measurements. Then it got to the BMI stage. (Body Mass Index (BMI) is an established measure utilized by physicians and health experts to determine weight status (i.e. underweight, overweight or within a healthy weight range).

The guy brought out the BMI machine, put in all my information and gave it to me to hold up. It showed E4. We tried this measurement about 5 times! It was still E4. He had to bring out the manual. The manual said

E4 is overweight. E5 is obese…I was just a step away.

He asked me how old I was, when I said 24, he uttered a loud ”Waaaaawwwwuuuu!”(wooooow!). That really pained me. That was the day I started working out and I haven’t stopped since then!

I’ll wake up in the morning and go to Jabi lake park to join the workout team there. I’ll workout, go home and then eat all the wrong things…but I wanted more!

Feb/26/2014 – I decided to try another diet…CAMBRIDGE!

Now from feb 11th to feb 26th I had lost 2.25kg. Whoop!!! Cambridge taught me discipline. It made me a lot stronger. Mind over matter. It took me off carbs completely. It really really helped my journey but I wanted more!

April 14 2014 - I started the gym. I hated it soooo much. The next day I went back…and the next…and the next. I have gone every single day till date.

The gym saved my life! The treadmill really helped my journey as well as weight lifting. As the weight started to come off, the compliments started rolling in. Oh the attention! People gave me workout DVDs (Shaunt, Jillian Michael’s etc). I’ve never been a believer of indoor workouts but because I wanted more I started trying them out at random like around 4am.

I introduced Yoga and Pilates to my workout on June 2nd and I am more flexible now.

A typical day for me

4am: Shaunts insanity
5:30am – 7am: Cardio/kickboxing at Jabi Lake Park Abuja
9am – 5pm: Work
6pm – 7:30pm: Gym;- Treadmill, cycling, weights
9pm – Yoga or Pilates
9:30pm – Sleep!

The cure for me was to workout more than I ate. Whenever I eat, I eat right! I have become a lot stronger and I can breathe better. The positive energy from people helped me as well.

My wonderful family, my amazing friends…you guys that cheered me on from day one! I am thankful for my beautiful friends and family.

On this journey I got closer to God yo! He knew my heart desire and he has been faithful. Days when I just want to sleep, days when I just sit and cry, days when I try to tell myself  “Omo not everyone will be slim o”, He was there to give me strength. I am not the most active but on this journey, the kind of strength I have…sigh! It can be only God. I thank him every single day!

Weight-loss to me is everything. I receive mails from people on the journey and I just say be patient and workout. For it to happen, you have to be consistent, patient, determined and disciplined!

My mind is made up and I’m never going back. Loosing weight is actually very easy. Maintaining your weight is the hardest but with will, power and God on my side, I’ll get to a size 10 and stay there!
I hope I inspire and motivate people. The joy and air that comes with loosing weight is magnificent.
Step 1- Make up your mind!

Step 2 – Act on the made up mind.It will surely pay off.

Step 3 – Eat right, count calories & WORKOUT.

Above all, pray!

Well done to everyone on this weight-loss mission. It will surely pay off. Don’t stop pushing. The Lord is our strength!xx


  1. Wow..that is some real improvement. Determination is key..

  2. I love this! I would like to do a short doc with is lady. Bless you sister!
