
Thursday, 21 August 2014

Three Lions Take On A Crocodile In Kenyan National Reserve In Epic Battle(Video)

Face off: two of the most ferocious species in Africa prepare to duel over hard won elephant meat 

It’s dog eat dog in the wild, or in the case of this video captured by a visitor to the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya, it’s a matter of crocodile or lion eats elephant.

When an elephant died at the side of a lake in the African reserve, leaving enough meat to feed a multitude of animals, a group of hungry lions and a crocodile with a serious meat craving immediately clocked the easy catch.

But the elephant meat wasn’t easy for either predator to win if this video of a rare stand-off between crocodile and lion, uploaded to YouTube by Kai Banks, is to be believed.
A cry for help? As the trio of ferocious lions overwhelm the solitary crocodile it spreads its jaw, as if wailing

No sooner than each animal spots its ready-killed prey, the young male lion and muscular Nile crocodile, the world’s largest reptilian predator, which boasts over 30 teeth in its gargantuan jaw, begin to eye each other up.

It might initially seem that the crocodile has the evolutionary upper hand, killing creatures as it has been for over 250 million years and outliving even the dinosaurs, but as two more lions join their daring companion, pinning the reptile down in the water, it starts to seem like this is anyone’s game

Splash attack: water flies as the lions and crocodile get rowdy in the African lake

As the battle concludes, the crocodile retreats, crippled and defeated. The lion who picked the fight stands water-soaked and triumphant over its weakened opponent while the rest of its pride descend to gorge on the elephant prize.
See more  jaw-dropping photos and videos below 

Meow! the lion lashes out at its reptilian opponent's jaw, which thought to be as strong as that of a T-Rex 

Eyes on the prize: a pride of lions gorge on the tough-won dead elephant that will feed them well

Source: Daily Mail

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