
Sunday, 7 September 2014

Fake 'Hulk Hogan Treated Like A King In Lagos (Photos)

 A few days ago, Actor Ik Ogbonna posted a photo with Hulk Hogan and many were skeptical and doubted if it was the real Hulk Hogan

This man who looks like Hulk Hogan may have had many fooled .He was spotted with full police escort in Mushin,Lagos,treated like a star.

The fact is,the real Hulk Hogan hasn't been to Nigeria and it's either someone invited the impostor  to fool people or he came on his own lol

Further check on Hulk Hogan   twitter page  shows that the Hulk in Lagos is an impostor and fake..
This won't be the first time a big star has been successfully impersonated,last year Psy (Ghangam style star) was impersonated by someone who fooled many celebrities at the Cannes film festival.He got 5 star treatments,hung out with stars until the real Psy was spotted on a live show performing in the US..The impersonator was then arrested.

Fake Hulk Hogan With Ik Ogbonna 
Real Psy in white/Fake in black

See the photo of Hulk Hogan below and compare it with the one above 

Hulk Hogan

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  1. No be small thing. Man must wack, but mennnn these impersonator dudes got confidence.

  2. can i get away with impersonating Obama?
