
Monday, 29 June 2015

Monday Morning Special: Don’t Ever Wear This To work!

This article was written by Adaeze Ibeneme for Complete Fashion 
A lot of offices in Nigeria and all over the world operate an open-door policy, for most, it’s prim and proper all the way while for the rest, it is a bit laid-back but formal as well. 

Due to the huge fashion whirl-wind that seem to have transformed the modern everyday woman into a budding fashionista, many ladies get Style, wrong, especially when it has to do with work-wear!

Here are the outfits you should never wear to work!

1) Strapless
This is not work friendly, wear a blazer or a vest over it.
2) Shorts.
Shorts are for the weekend or a casual day out and not for the office, if you have to wear them, go for a more formal looking pair that may be a bit longer than the usual.
3) Flip flops.
Don’t even think of it!
4) Super mini-skirts or dresses.
Are you at the club? You should be able to distinguish between the two!

5) Halter tops. 

This is not advisable but if you really have to wear it, layer on something more appropriate.

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