
Thursday, 23 July 2015

Nigerian author and poet rejects high paying Germany cooking job, says he’ll rather continue “cooking words”

What would you do if you were offered a job that pays three times more than your current one…and in Germany?

Most people may jump at it. Kukogho Iruesiri Samson doesn’t seem to fall into that category.

Iruesiri is the author of the rave –making poem collection “What Can Words Do?”He is also the CEO Words, Rhymes And Rhythm (WRR).

He said someone in Germany offered him three times what he currently makes in Nigeria. But he would never consider taking the job because he saw it as a demotion, not promotion.

“So a German man decided to offer me a cooking job in Germany,” Iruesiri wrote on Facebook, Thursday.
“He wants me to move to Germany as a cook, cooking food instead of words. Interestingly, the salary is almost 3 times what I earn now.”

“I have no intention of considering the offer because I can’t be a paid domestic hand for anyone. And cooking is a hobby for me than, not a job.”

Iruesiri said he also feared the man who offered him the job could be gay.

“Also, when a man offers you a job with ‘handsome, strong Nigerian man’ in the sentence, you should be on alert.”

Any word for Iruesiri?

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