Many men are circumcised at an early age or have to undergo the procedure later in life for health reasons.
Now, a small but vociferous community of circumcised men is gathering online to discuss methods of ‘foreskin restoration’.
These men reportedly feel angry and resentful about the surgery and are looking to find methods of reversing it.
Some circumcised men reportedly feel angry and resentful about the surgery and look to find methods of reversing it
Some circumcised men reportedly feel angry and resentful about the surgery and look to find methods of reversing it because they feel it makes them 'sexually incomplete' (posed by model)

They are congregating on forums where they can vent their anger and discuss their options, The Kernel reports.
Typically, they are using websites such as and
The Kernel reports that one man wrote: ‘I have been looking into what was stolen from me for a couple months now
‘It’s always on my mind, I just revolve between being crushed emotionally and being soooo f**king mad I start twitching.
‘I just want to curl up into a ball and disappear. This is the most shameful/angry/sad/hateful/depressing feeling I’ve ever had.’
A response to this post encouraged this man to ‘commit to restoration’ so as to get back his control over his life and to increase his self-esteem.
Now, a small but vociferous community of circumcised men are gathering online to discuss methods of 'foreskin restoration'
Now, a small but vociferous community of circumcised men are gathering online to discuss methods of 'foreskin restoration' and to vent their anger about the surgery (posed by model)

The Kernel reports that most men who visit these sites do so because they are feeling either angry or shameful.
It claims these circumcised men feel sexually incomplete and that they are unable to achieve the same level of intimacy as can be experienced by uncircumcised men.
The sites offer a range of ideas as to how men can restore their foreskins without undergoing more surgery.