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Saturday 13 September 2014

Nigerian Military Release Photos From Recent Battle In Konduga by PR NIGERIA

Destroyed terrorists operational vehicles after Konduga battle  

In response to demands of Nigerians for some evidence to support the complete routing of insurgents who attempted to capture Konduga on Friday, the Nigerian military has released some pictures from the battle scene.

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Recovered ammunition from terrorists in Konduga  
Nigerian troops display captured ammunition from Konduga operation  
Flag of he terrorists on one of the captured vehicle by Nigerian troops in Konduga  
Boko haram terrorist vehicle recovered from Konduga battle  

However, in deference to sensibilities of Nigerians, pictures that may offend the senses were not included.

PRNigeria was told that the pictures were released only for the purpose of reassuring our compatriots that the military is capable and ready to defend them.

It could be recalled that after about three hours of fierce fighting yesterday, Nigerian troops routed the Boko Haram fighting force of over a hundred terrorists.

Further to the staggering loss of men, Boko Haram also suffered extensive losses in their  equipment.

In a previous statement by Colonel Timothy Antigha of Army Public Relations Directorate three Hilux and one Buffalo vehicles with mounted Anti-aircraft guns, three General Purpose Machine guns, over 30 AK 47 rifles and two global positioning systems have been recovered among other items.

Four Nigerian soldiers were wounded in action. The entire area is still being combed for terrorists who may have escaped with bullet wounds.
Morale of Nigerian troops remains very high according to the military sources.


See  more photos sourced from another source below

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