A New Jersey couple married for 67 years died just one day apart but were unaware of each other’s deaths.
According to the Huffington Post, 95-year-old Olympia DeNittis of Woodbridge died early Sunday morning at JFK Medical Center’s Haven Hospice in Edison. 94-year-old Michael DeNittis, her husband of 67 years, was just miles away in New Brunswick at the time but did not know his wife had died.
Family members decided not to tell him but DeNittis may have sensed the passing. He told his family that he dreamed he had died the night before Olympia’s death.
Just over a day after Olympia passed away, DeNittis died following a four-year struggle with colon cancer.
The couple’s granddaughter told The Asbury Park Press that her grandmother wanted to die first.
“She sensed my grandfather was on borrowed time, and she wanted to make sure she died before him,” AnnMarie McDonald told the Press. “She wanted to show him the way.”
Olympia and Michael grew up just a block from each other in Port Reading, first kindling their love for each other as kids.
“It’s been devastating without them,” AnnMarie McDonald said Wednesday. “They were both remarkable people. We relied on their guidance and insight until the end.
“And now they’re together,” she said.
Awwwwww... Touche. This is true romance. The lady is even older than the man, but it didn't matter. Families didn't interfere and caution the man from marrying her simply because "she was older than him". They believed in their LOVE. This is sure True love. #Oh Lord, let your GRACE be sufficient for me and my household. Let there be peace and love which passeth all understanding.#