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Monday 28 July 2014

10 Confessions from a Sex-Positive Wife

10 Confessions from a Sex-Positive Wife

1. Well, I just enjoy sex. I found out that sex feels “pretty good” (you have to say that with a Texan drawl to get the full effect) and experiencing it with the man I love and share my life with is deeply satisfying.

2. I like myself more. I used to feel quite broken because I didn’t enjoy sex (what’s wrong with me?). Now I feel like everything is in working order and I think I am also having less body-image issues. My sweetie enjoys my body and says I’m beautiful. Who am I to argue?

3. I respect myself more. I used to struggle with guilt because I said “not tonight” far too often. Now that I enjoy sex with my sweetie, I’m tickled pink that I can wear that boy out. (I don’t think he’s complaining either.)

4. My husband and I are more comfortable with each other. There’s a softness and openness in our relationship. We are each other’s “safe harbor.” We have greater intimacy and can trust each other with our hearts. (I know there are other parts of our relationship that build this too, but sex does it in a way that nothing else can.)

5. My husband and I have a stronger team mentality. Sex is something we do only with each other. We are a team. That carries over into the other areas of our lives.

6. I’m more sensual. In the past, I think my fear of sex kept me closed off from experiencing and enjoying anything sensual. Now I enjoy the feel of the wind, the beauty of peas growing in the garden, and the sound of rain in the middle of the night.

7. I’m more relaxed. Aside from the fact that the physical act of sex just relaxes you, I find that being more sexual has helped me take the frantic-ness of life down a notch or two … and I sleep better.

8. I do the happy dance anytime I get an email from someone who is becoming more sex-positive. I probably look silly, but I figure this kind of growth deserves a little celebration.

9. I know there’s a good chance that my kids will have a healthy sex life in their marriages. We tend to live out what our parents model for us. I hope they catch it bad.

10. I think it make Jesus happy. Yeah, I know that might sound a bit creepy, but God designed us to want and enjoy sex with our spouse. I figure I should take him up on his gift (rather than tell him “No, thanks, not interested.”).

Culled From

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